It is a burning question how to change the superiority into economic superiority 如何将这些优势转化为经济优势,一直是一个亟待解决的问题。
How to develop the beef and cattle industry efficiently and how to transfer resources superiorities to economic superiorities is a big subject , which has a important historical significance for increasing farmer ’ s income , adjusting and improving estate ’ s structure , realizing the strategy goals of opening up the west in china and strengthening general agricultural productivity forces 如何科学的发展肉牛业,把资源优势转变为经济优势、竞争优势,对增加农牧民收入,促进我区产业结构的调整和优化,实现西部大开发的战略目标,提升农业综合生产能力具有重要的意义。
From the strategy of national grain safety , we should strengthen transformating grain production superiority into regional systhetical economic superiority , and find sonic countermeasurs in connection with reality and easy operation from the visual angle of benefit regulating mechanism , perfecting rural operation system and building the platform of production factors 从国家粮食安全的战略高度出发,应加强将粮食主产区产粮优势转变为区域综合经济优势,这就需要从利益调节机制、现代农业生产理念、完善农村经营制度和构建农业生产要素平台等多种视角,寻求一系列富有现实针对性和实际操作性强的对策措施。
There are some obstacles ad difficulties in the process of transformating grain production superiority into regional systhetial economic superiority in main grain production area of our country , such as policy encouragement , contradictory of person and laud , weak agricultural quality , hysteresis of structural adjustment and platform of advantage transformation 摘要我国粮食主产区产粮优势在向区域综合经济优势转变的过程中存在一定的障碍和困难,如政策激励、人地矛盾、农业弱质性、结构调整滞后性、优势转化平台等方面。
In line with the phosphate crisis brought about by phosphate resources in short supply in china and the status of available technology , an analysis is made of the strategic significance and technological and economic superiority in the high - efficiency utilization of phosphate resources , in particular medium - and low - grade phosphate rocks 摘要针对我国磷资源紧缺导致的磷危机和现有技术状况,分析了高效利用磷资源,尤其是中、低品位磷矿的重大战略意义和技术及经济优势。